Vodičkova 33 - a place with a rich history
The history of this building dates back to the 14th century. According to historical sources, a gothic house was originally built on the site of the current Art Nouveau building at the end of the 14th century on the then newly parcelled land of the monastery. In the Baroque period, at the end of the 17th century, Jan Bendl, son of the famous early Baroque sculptor Jan Jiří Bendl, lived here.
The original building then changed several owners and was rebuilt several times over the years, most recently at the beginning of the 20th century when the building known as Vítek's House was built. Vítek's House served as the Prague drugstore's headquarters and the Panax company's photo headquarters. After 1990, the house was returned to its original owners, from whom CIB GROUP gradually bought all the shares, and now owns 100% of the building.

The owner of Vitek's House was František Vitek, the owner of the company Centrální Drogerie and the factory for the production of cosmetic and diaelettic preparations, a member of the board of directors of Prague bank and Czech Bank in Prague and vice-president of the New Business Bureau in Prague.